

Cienfuegos Rainbow, with Sharon Bandy Kotok

An eight-day study tour of Cuba became an eye-opening experience that highlighted a country struggling to feed and house its population in the 21st century, while stuck in a confrontational cold war past. Alan and Sharon Kotok describe their experiences as part of a group of University of Iowa alumni who visited Cuba in January 2013. From this tour and their careers in business and foreign affairs, the Kotoks propose 21st century solutions harnessing entrepreneurship, sustainability, and freedom of expression to encourage a thriving and democratic U.S. neighbor. Additional photography by Marisa Tank. ( Read an excerpt.)

Published April 2013. Available on Kindle (ISBN: 978-0-9893461-1-5), Nook, and Lulu (ISBN: 978-0-9893461-0-8).

ebXML: The New Global Standard for Doing Business on The Internet

With David R.R. Webber. August 2001, New Riders/Que, ISBN: 0735711178. The book provides business people with a highly readable explanation of Electronic Business XML (ebXML), a new specification recognized worldwide for connecting companies and exchanging messages and services. The ebXML specification shows companies of any size, including government and not-for-profit organizations, how to establish business processes, locate trading partners, exchange messages, translate among terminology used in different industries, and integrate the transactions with their current data-exchange protocols.

Core Components: Delivering on the ebXML Promise

MightyWords.Com, October 2001, 71 pp., ISBN 0717319393. This e-book discusses Electronic Business XML or ebXML, the global standard for conducting e-business, and focuses on the part of ebXML that deals with business semantics, called core components. It provides an overview of this innovative technology, to help business people begin planning for its adoption and benefits. PDF format | Free download available

Print Communications and the Electronic Media Challenge

With Ralph Lyman. Jelmar Publishing, June 1997, ISBN 1885067054. The book outlines new technologies that enable print publishers to deliver messages with the precision and efficiency of their electronic competitors. Available from

Handbook of EDI - 2003

Thompson/RIA, November 2003, ISBN 0791351114. This reference book provides a management overview of electronic data interchange and related technologies.