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TechNewsLit Explores: A new essay says it's time for a classified advertising comeback. Updated: 20 May 2024

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20 May 2024. We updated the essay with a software specification for classified advertising in development called flohmarkt that offers an open-source backbone for want ads in local media, as well as a mechanism for affiliating classified ads in neighboring publications.

13 May 2024. Technology News and Literature begins an original essay series called TechNewsLit Explores, with commentary on the state of today's news and media. The first entry by company CEO Alan Kotok tells how the time is right for local publications to promote their classified advertising -- what we once called want-ads -- as a secure and friendly way to do business.

The essay offers steps local publications can take to bolster security and respect customer privacy, in contrast to the deteriorating online commercial environment elsewhere. Continue reading.

TechNewsLit contributing to Alamy stock photo agency

Sample of images from Alamy lightbox
Sample of images provided to the Alamy agency

6 Mar. 2024. Alan Kotok, CEO of Technology News and Literature, is now shooting photos for the Alamy agency, a provider of stock images and videos for sale to news organizations and content creators. Images provided by Kotok to Alamy include news, event, wildlife, and travel photos. A lightbox with those photos is available on the Alamy web site.

TechNewsLit poster on display at National Press Club

National Press Club poster image with watermark
(Scenes from National Press Club poster, with watermark)

23 Feb. 2024. National Press Club in Washington, D.C. is displaying a documentary poster with photos from 20 NPC events since 2018. The Club's Photography Team chair Alan Kotok -- also CEO of Technology News and Literature -- designed and donated the poster with his photos.

The poster shows three U.S. senators, two cabinet secretaries, several media personalities, and leaders from business, labor, and military who appeared at NPC programs. The images also depict a protest against the ambassador from Pakistan, and a group of Club members and staff with signs supporting Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich held hostage by Russian authorities since Mar. 2023. And the collection shows Amy Wang of the Washington Post, winner of NPC's last two press vs. politicians spelling bees.

The digital poster image is shown on a big screen monitor, mounted on one of NPC's main hallways, alternated with a schedule of upcoming Club events and other images. A QR code on the poster links to an online guide telling more about each photo and linking to relevant pages on the NPC web site, as well as more photos from those events.

Kotok says the poster helps bring visitors up-to-date on more recent luminaries visiting NPC, not yet pictured on the Club's walls. "Few photos are posted since 2013 because of space limitations," he notes, "so the poster helps fill that void."

Technology News and Literature ( is a digital publishing company in Arlington, Virginia providing visual storytelling services to companies and organizations. Among the company's products are documentary posters that use wall art to tell stories about events and experiences. Several TechNewsLit posters are available from the company's store on Etsy.

D.C. farm-garden featured in new photo essay, published on

Worker watering plant crops
(Photo from "Moments of Life in a Dead City" by Carol Morgan)

30 Jan. 2024. In Sept. 2021, author and artist Carol Morgan ventured out with a camera to find a community garden near her Columbia Heights home in Washington, D.C. She soon discovered this was more than a garden, but an innovative urban agriculture project putting food on the table for needy residents. Morgan collected her photos, together with an essay about the garden, in a new web site called "Moments of Life in a Dead City," hosted by Technology News and Literature.

The farm-garden, called Columbia Heights Green, sits on an acre of previously abandoned property, earlier mired in tax disputes that became a magnet for illegal dumping and neighborhood blight. Washington Parks & People, a local environmental group, turned the urban wasteland into a working farm that today grows organic produce for local customers, a farm-to-table operation with the farm, literally, right next door. The organization says it donates hundreds of pounds from the farm's output each year to food pantries serving local residents in need.

For Morgan, a multi-media artist and writer, Columbia Heights Green serves as a neighborhood refuge and inspiration. "In this environment," writes Morgan in her essay, "the Columbia Heights community garden offers sanctuary. It is accessible to everyday folk seeking peace within its walls ...." Morgan tells about her conversations with volunteers, mainly young people, who work in the garden on weekends, and how the garden is also an entertainment site for local groups.

Morgan works in pen-and-ink drawings and sculpture as well as photography. Her drawings of subway and bus riders appeared in a 2020 Washington Post op-ed, and the book Metro Anthology, with poems by Gerry Hendershot. In 2021, Morgan enrolled in a class on creating photo essays, and 17 photos from that class project are displayed with the essay in "Moments of Life in a Dead City." Her photos also appear in the annual members photography exhibit at National Press Club.

"Columbia Heights Green is a delightful unexpected urban open space," says community activist and freelance photojournalist Nancy Shia, "located down an alley behind tall apartment buildings. It has served as a place for raucous community meetings and quiet self-reflection, as well as a garden for food-insecure neighbors. It is a great model of community working together for the greater good." In 2020 Shia published the photo collection "Out My Window" that chronicles four decades of life in D.C.'s Adams-Morgan, Mount Pleasant, and Columbia Heights neighborhoods.

"Moments of Life in a Dead City" is a production of TechNewsLit Visual, the visual storytelling service of digital publishing company Technology News and Literature ( in Arlington, Va., and available free of charge on the company web site.

TechNewsLit poster videos on YouTube

29. Jan. 2024. View videos with original photos displayed on TechNewsLit Visual documentary posters on our YouTube channel.